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Outcome of anterior lumbar interbody fusion : a retrospective study of clinical and radiologic parameters
Vagus nerve stimulator placement in dogs : surgical implantation technique, complications, long-term follow-up, and practical considerations
The use of the trendelenburg position in the surgical treatment of extreme cerebellar slump
Can surgical outcome of anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery be predicted by preoperative imaging?
Endoscopic treatment of temporal arachnoid cysts in 34 patients
De Pfirrmann-classificatie : weinig gekende,maar waardevolle index bij degeneratief discuslijden
F-18 fluoromethylcholine (F-18 FCho) PET for the prediction of response according to the RANO criteria in glioblastoma patients
A novel design for steerable instruments based on laser-cut nitinol
Regional brain perfusion changes during standard and microburst vagus nerve stimulation in dogs
Treatment of cystic craniopharyngioma by endocavitary instillation of yttrium⁹⁰ radioisotope : still a valuable treatment option