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Effects of nitrogen deficiency on leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in two olive tree cultivars 'Meski' and 'Koroneiki'
The importance of sap flow measurements to estimate actual water use of Meski olive trees under different irrigation regimes in Tunisia
Determining the optimal nighttime air temperature for Phalaenopsis during the vegetative stage
Nondestructive determination of nitrogen and chlorophyll content in olive tree leaves and the relation with photosynthesis and fluorescence parameters
Seasonal variation of photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency in Phalaenopsis
Effects of nitrogen deficiency on leaf photosynthesis, carbohydrate status and biomass production in two olive cultivars 'Meski' and 'Koroneiki'
Detailed analysis of double girdling effects on stem diameter variations and sap flow in young oak trees
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Measurement and simulation of the ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated Azrom type greenhouse in Zimbabwe
Application of a tracer aerosol technique using atomized sodium chloride particles for measuring ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated Azrom-type greenhouse in Zimbabwe