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The social impact of the Tour de France : comparisons of residents' pre- end post-event perceptions
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Competencies and cognitive styles of board members in community sports clubs
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Youth olympic games: challenges and considerations in organising the largest multisport competition for young athletes
Youth Olympic Games: challenges and impact on the different youth sports policies of the world
Effectiviteit in sport op micro- en mesomanagement level: een wetenschappelijke benadering
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Brede school met sportaanbod: samenwerken doet bewegen
Handboek sportmanagement
(2007) -
How to achieve robustness against scaling in a real-time digital watermarking system for broascast monitoring
An implementation of a real-time digital watermarking process for broadcast monitoring on a Trimedia VLIW processor
Performance measurements of a real-time digital watermarking system for broadcast monitoring