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Acute preexercise supplementation of combined carnosine and anserine enhances initial maximal power of Wingate tests in humans
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ergogenic effect of pre-exercise chicken broth ingestion on a high-intensity cycling time-trial
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Acute carnosine and anserine supplementation as a novel ergogenic strategy for high-intensity exercise
Differences in muscle histidineācontaining dipeptides in broilers
Development and validation of a sensitive LC-MS/MS assay for the quantification of anserine in human plasma and urine and its application to pharmacokinetic study
Effects of carnosine supplementation on glucose metabolism : pilot clinical trial
Carnosine and anserine homeostasis in skeletal muscle and heart is controlled by Ī²-alanine transamination
Inhibiting beta-alanine transamination : a way to promote muscle histidine-containing dipeptide loading in mice?