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Perceived job stress and incidence of coronary events: 3-year follow-up of the Belgian Job Stress Project cohort
Job stress and cardiovascular risk factors - results from the Belstress study.
Werkstress, psychisch welbevinden en gezondheidsrisico's
Psychosocial work environment and psychological well-being: assessment of the buffering effects in the job demand-control (-support) model in BELSTRESS.
Scale reliability and validity of the Karasek 'Job Demand-Control-Support' model in the Belstress study.
Job stress, absenteeism and coronary heart disease European cooperative study (the JACE study) - Design of a multicentre prospective study.
Screening for breast cancer in Ghent, Belgium: first results of a programme involving the existing health services
De effectiviteit van oproepstrategieën in het kader van screeningprogramma's
Belstress : epidemiologische en biomedische aanpak van stress op het werk
Etude belge du stress au travail : aperçu du modèle de recherche et des outils d'investigation