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Transcriptional activation of the NF-kappa B p65 subunit by mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-1 (MSK1)
Induction and repression of NF-kappaB-driven inflammatory genes.
Regulation of the transcriptional activity of the nuclear factor-kappa B p65 subunit.
Structure-activity relationship of the p55 TNF receptor death domain and its lymphoproliferation mutants.
Expression in Escherichia coli of the death domain of the human p55 tumor necrosis factor receptor.
Structure/function analysis of p55 tumor necrosis factor receptor and Fas-associated death domain : effect on necrosis in L929sA cells.
Signal transduction by tumor necrosis factor and gene regulation of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6.
Activation of p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and p38 MAPK by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is mediated through the death domain of the 55-kDa TNF receptor.