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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The Late Pleistocene and Holocene chronocultural and anthracological open-air sequence from Mukila (DRC)
Soils of the coastal and lower belt of Galápagos Islands : the case of Isla Santa Fé and Isla Santa Cruz
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Carbonatitic affinity of the rare earth element (REE) mineralization at Gakara (Burundi)
Undisturbed iron industry sites in the Sonian Forest, Belgium
Micromorphological features and their relation to processes and classification : general guidelines and overview
Sulphidic and sulphuric materials
Groundmass composition and fabric
Palaeolimnological evidence for widespread late 18th century drought across equatorial East Africa
New paleoseismic evidence for prehistoric surface rupturing in the intraplate Lower Rhine graben area.