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Determination and evaluation of fission k(0)-factors for correction of the U-235(n,f) interference in k(0)-NAA
Evaluation of (n,gamma) cross sections from k(0)-factors for radionuclides with a short half-life and/or a complex activation-decay scheme
New experimental k(0) and related data for generalized activation/decay cases implemented in the 'Kayzero' software package
The k(0) and Q(0) values for the Zr-isotopes : a re-investigation
Evaluation of three software programs for calculating true-coincidence summing correction factors
A re-examination of coincidence and gamma-peak doublet handling in Kayzero-based NAA
Determination of k0 and related nuclear data for short-lived radionuclides to be used in KAYZERO-NAA at DSM research
A re-evaluation of ko and related nuclear data for the 555. 8 keV gamma-line emitted by the 104mRh-104Rh mother-daughter pair for use in NAA
Studie van de verdeling van spoorelementen in biologisch materiaal op milli- en microschaal met behulp van protonengeïnduceerde X-straalemissie
(1997) -
More than tenfold increase of arsenic in serum and packed cells of chronic hemodialysis patients