prof. dr. Ellen Desmet
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Academic third-party interventions before the ECtHR in the field of asylum and migration : the experience of the Human Rights Centre at Ghent University
A multi-perspectivist analysis of a lived family reunification experience : at the junction of co-creative research and autoethnography
A right to family reunification in Europe : a guide to the labyrinth
Exploring inequalities in family reunification in Europe : perspectives from legal and social sciences
Family reunification in Europe : exposing inequalities
Ellen Desmet (UGent) , Milena Belloni (UGent) , Jinske Verhellen (UGent) , Dirk Vanheule and Ayse Güdük (UGent) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Beyond borders : extraterritorial human rights obligations towards migrants
Wat brengt het nieuwe Europese Migratie- en Asielpact?
Migratierecht : tussen mens en staat
(2024) -
Het asiel- en migratiebeleid van de afgelopen legislatuur gewikt en gewogen : overheden falen vanuit wetenschappelijk en mensenrechtenperpectief
Is het nieuwe Migratiepact fair, efficiënt en duurzaam?