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Approache économique de l'évaluation des terres en culture cotonnière au Nord-Cameroun.
Elaboration of a European Forest Soil Database for Monitoring Atmospheric Pollution
(1998) Land Information Systems : Developments for Planning the Sustainable Use of Land Resources. HJ. Heineke, W. Eckelmann, A.J. Thomasson, R.J.A. Jones, L. Monta nearella & B. Buckley (Eds.). European Soil Bureau Research Report N° 4, EUR 17729 EN, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg : 51-67. -
Fuzzy data base model based on quasi-order relations
Calculation and mapping of critical loads for Flanders
Fuzzy relational calculus in land evaluation.
The use of linguistic terms in database models
Application of fuzzy logic to land suitability for rubber production in peninsular Thailand.
Achtergrondwaarden voor zware metalen en arseen in de bodems van Vlaanderen
Assessing the sensitivity to acidification of forest soils in Europe. 16e World Congress of Soil Science. Montpellier (20-26 Aug.), France, 1998.
Assessing the sensitivity to acidification of forest soils in Europe. Journée à thème conjointe des Sociétés Belge de Pédologie et de Génie Rural; 'Etude des sols et développement durable' (25 Nov.), Gembloux, Belgique, 1998.