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RAS/RAF pathway activation in gliomas: the result of copy number gains rather than activating mutations
High frequency deep brain stimulation in the hippocampus modifies seizure characteristics in kindled rats
Congenital pontocerebellar atrophy and telencephalic defects in three siblings: a new subtype
Caspase-14 protects against epidermal UVB photodamage and water loss
Ocular presentation of Wegener granulomatosis
Stimulation of the anterodorsal thalamus in genetic absence epilepsy rats from strasbourg (GAERS)
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
High frequency deep brain stimulation of the hippocampus in a rat model for temporal lobe epilepsy
Cryptococcoma unresponsive to antifungal treatment in a 63-year-old non-HIV-infected male
Towards a cell therapy for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE)?
Unequivocal delineation of clinicogenetic subgroups and development of a new model for improved outcome prediction in neuroblastoma