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Vagus nerve stimulation in the rat hippocampal kindling model
Serial day rapid kindling is an effective tool in screening the anti-epileptic properties of topiramate
Measuring compound action potentials (CAPS) verifies vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in rats
Comparison of high and low frequency hippocampal deep brain stimulation in kindled rats
Serial day rapid kindling is an effective tool in screening the anti-epileptic properties of topiramate
High frequency deep brain stimulation in the hippocampus modifies seizure characteristics in kindled rats
Follow-up of a patient treated with vagus nerve stimulation for refractory status epilepticus
Low-dose whole brain gamma-irradiation accelerates epileptogenesis during hippocampal kindling
Stimulation of the anterodorsal thalamus in genetic absence epilepsy rats from strasbourg (GAERS)
Characterisation of the intrahippocampal kainic acid status epilepticus model using longterm video-EEG monitoring