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Report of the ad hoc committee for the re-evaluation of the species definition in bacteriology.
Synopsis on the taxonomy of the genus Xanthomonas.
Comparison of AFLP and rep-PCR genomic fingerprinting with DNA-DNA homology studies: Xanthomonas as a model system.
Genomic diversity of the genus Stenotrophomonas.
Considerations in evaluation of the applicability of DNA fingerprinting techniques for species differentiation.
A numerical taxonomic study of the Pseudomonas flora isolated from poultry meat.
Phylogenetic position of phytopathogens within the Enterobacteriaceae
Utility of the Biolog system for the characterization of heterotrophic microbial communities
Xanthomonas translucens from small grains: Diversity and phytopathological relevance.
Comparison of 16S ribosomal DNA sequences of all Xanthomonas species.