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Land degradation problems: Assessment of sediment transport
Assessment of erosion and use of grass buffer strips for sediment trapping.
Land degradation problems: assessment of sediment transport
Erosion modelling to support land management decisions.
Extending the RUSLE with the Monte Carlo error propagation technique to predict long term average off-site sediment accumulation.
Modelling soil erosion to support land management in the Kemmelbeek watershed (West Flanders)
Modifications of the EROSION-2D model for conservation planning on an application in an agricultural watershed within the Belgium loess belt
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Simulatie van erosiebestrijdingsmaatregelen aan de hand van het RUSLE model : een case-studie in het stroomgebied van de Markebeek (Oost-Vlaanderen)
Effect of wind-driven rain on splash detachment and transport of a silt loam soil: a short-slope wind-tunnel experiment
Erosion risk modelling with GIS, including propagation of the variance