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- Book Chapter
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Treeline dynamics and forest cover change in afro-alpine Ethiopia, as affected by climate change and anthropo-zoogenic impacts
- Book Chapter
- open access
Treeline dynamics and forest cover change in afro-alpine Ethiopia, as affected by climate change and anthropo-zoogenic impacts
Can treeline dynamics in the afro-alpine north Ethiopian highlands be used as proxy to study climate change?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests
Conventional tree height–diameter relationships significantly overestimate aboveground carbon stocks in the Central Congo Basin
Tree-ring analysis of an African long-lived pioneer species as a tool for sustainable forest management
A tree-ring based comparison of Terminalia superba climate-growth relationships in West and Central Africa
Complementary imaging techniques for charcoal examination and identification
A reconstruction of the Afro-alpine Erica arborea L. treeline in the Northern Ethiopian highlands since the 1930s
Fluctuations of cambial activity in relation to precipitation result in annual rings and intra-annual growth zones of xylem and phloem in teak (Tectona grandis) in Ivory Coast