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- PhD Thesis
- open access
Carbon sequestration in short-rotation forestry plantations and in Belgian forest ecosystems
(2007) -
Vergelijking van de TRAC met enkele andere optische methodes ter karakterisering van de kruinarchitectuur en de LAI
Dynamische bodemrespiratie
Fine root biomass in a 4-years old birch stand (Zwijnaarde (B))
Carbon balance of a young tree plantation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Growing stock-based assessment of the carbon stock in the Belgian forest biomass
Distribution of root length and root mass in an oak-beech and an ash stand (Aelmoeseneie forest, Gontrode (B))
Temporal changes in allometric relationships during the first years of tree growth. Case-study for birch, maple, poplar and willow (Zwijnaarde - Belgium)
Identifying and quantifying uncertainties associated with estimates of carbon stocks in Belgian forest biomass, necromass and harvested wood products
Koolstofvoorraden in de biomassa van Belgische bossen: sensitiviteitsanalyse van biomassa-expansiefactoren s.l