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Ectopic expression of Kip-related proteins restrains root-knot nematode-feeding site expansion
CCS52 and DEL1 genes are key components of the endocycle in nematode-induced feeding sites
Unravelling the plant cell cycle in nematode induced feeding sites
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Feeding cells induced by phytoparasitic nematodes require γ-tubulin ring complex for microtubule reorganization
Systematic analysis of cell-cycle gene expression during Arabidopsis development
AtGRP2, a cold-induced nucleo-cytoplasmic RNA-binding protein, has a role in flower and seed development
Differentially expressed genes associated with dormancy or germination of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The role of the cell cycle machinery in resumption of postembryonic development
Cell cycle genes as markers to study the ontogeny of nematode feeding sites in plant roots
NtWBC1, an ABC transporter gene specifically expressed in tobacco reproductive organs