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Digital step gauge measurement system for wave run-up measurements at full scale and in scale model tests
Wave run-up on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater: Full-scale measurement results versus laboratory results
Digital step gauge for wave run-up measurements at full scale and in small scale model tests
Wave run-up on rubble breakwaters: spectral effects
Full-scale wave overtopping measurements on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater
Large scale wave run-up tests on a rubble mound breakwater
Wave run-up on a rubble mound breakwater: comparison of large scale and small scale data
Full scale wave overtopping measurements
Crest level assessment of coastal structures by full scale monitoring, neural network prediction adn hazard analysis on permissible wave overtopping - (CLASH)
Parameters influencing wave run-up on a rubble mound breakwater