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Fate of heavy metals during fixed bed downdraft gasification of willow wood harvested from contaminated sites
Inventory-based carbon stock of Flemish forests: comparison of European biomass expansion factors
Short- and longer-term effects of the willow root system on metal extractability in contaminated dredged sediment
Revaluation of contaminated sediments with Short Rotation Forestry systems
Fate of heavy metals in the revaluation of contaminated sites with short rotation forestry systems
(2003) CONSOIL 2003. -
An evaluation of EDTA and citric acid as soil amendment to enhance metal uptake in phytoremediation
(2003) CONSOIL 2003. -
Medium-term evaluation of a forest soil restoration trial combining tree species change, fertilisation and earthworm introduction
Spatial methods for quantifying forest stand structure development: a comparison between nearest-neighbor indices and variogram analysis
Koolstofvoorraden in de biomassa van Belgische bossen: sensitiviteitsanalyse van biomassa-expansiefactoren s.l
Koolstofpools en -fluxen in bossen en plantages met een korte rotatie