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Assessment of the solid-state composition of an active salicylanilide compound by FT-Raman spectroscopy
Development of a dissolution method for a meloxicam oral suspension using solubility and IVIVC data
Synthesis and HPLC-purification of [Br-77]TMC125-R165335 (etravirine), a new anti-HIV drug of the DAPY-NNRTI class
The importance of the cosolvent propylene glycol on the antimicrobial preservative efficacy of a pharmaceutical formulation by DOE-ruggedness testing
Characterisation of a preservative system in an oily preparation
Determination of the relative amounts of three crystal forms of a benzimidazole drug in complex finished formulations by FT-Raman spectroscopy
Mass uniformity: Influence of operational compression conditions on breakability of scored tablets as part of manufacturing robustness evaluation
Physical stability of diluted suspo-emulsions
Investigation of preservative systems by experimental design: drug product optimisation and robustness characterisation
Raman spectroscopy in the polymorphic characterisation of drugs