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The credibility cocktail on Instagram: Assessing the impact of source, verification label and image manipulation on news message credibility
Be a Fossil Fool: The Effect of Humour in Climate Change Communication in Belgium
(2023) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Be a fossil fool : the effect of humour in climate change communication in Belgium
'Do worry, act environmental' : how to stimulate children's pro-environmental behavioural intent through the use of anthropomorphism and goal framing theory
On becoming a green kid : how to effectively design climate messages to encourage children's intention to adopt pro-environmental behavior through message framing and emotions
(2022) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Motivating children to become green kids : the role of victim framing, moral emotions, and responsibility on children’s pro-environmental behavioural intent
Motivating children to become green kids : the role of victim framing, moral emotions, and responsibility on children’s pro-environmental behavioral intent
Young energy savers : exploring the role of parents, peers, media and schools in saving energy among children in Belgium