Camila Baptista da Silva
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Assessing pet owners' willingness to embrace insects in pet food
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Long-term nutritional management of an obese German Spitz with paroxysmal dyskinesia, calcium oxalate urolithiasis, and suspected pancreatitis : a case report
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Homemade diets for pets : reasons, risks and rewards
Nutritional management of an overweight dog with paroxysmal dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis and calcium oxalate urolithiasis
Survey of Belgian owners' perspectives on quality of life and difficulties during a weight-loss programme in obese cats
A permanent gastric tube for a Border Terrier with inflammatory bowel disease and esophageal stricture : a case report
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Food hypersensitivity and feline hyperaesthesia syndrome (FHS) : a case report
'What? A weight loss program for obese cats?' : a survey with the owners’ perspective
Enteral and parenteral nutrition for a puppy with tetanus : a case report