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The unique importance of motivation and mindsets for students' learning behavior and achievement : an examination at the level of between-student differences and within-student fluctuations
Motivational pathways underlying gifted underachievement : trajectory classes, longitudinal outcomes, and predicting factors
'You are so smart!' : the role of giftedness, parental feedback, and parents' mindsets in predicting students' mindsets
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
To endure or to resist? Adolescents' coping with overprotective parenting
Does motivation predict changes in academic achievement beyond intelligence and personality? A multitheoretical perspective
Do students’ mindset and motivation matter beyond intelligence? A longitudinal, multi-informant and intervention-based approach among (non-)cognitively gifted students
(2021) -
Killing two birds with one stone : the role of motivational resources in predicting changes in achievement and school well-being beyond intelligence
A longitudinal examination of the interplay between personality vulnerability and need‐based experiences in adolescents' depressive symptoms