dr. Stan Jourquin
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Non-inferiority trial in veal calves on the efficacy of oxytetracycline and florfenicol treatment for pneumonia by quick thoracic ultrasound
On-farm use of quick thoracic ultrasound in calves : detection of pneumonia and evaluation of antimicrobial treatment and vaccination
(2024) -
Lesion depth on thoracic ultrasound in relation to isolated pathogens from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in calves
Blood hemoglobin values in veal calves in relation to development of respiratory tract disease
Accuracy and inter‐rater agreement among practitioners using quick thoracic ultrasonography to diagnose calf pneumonia
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effect of on-arrival bovine respiratory disease vaccination on ultrasound-confirmed pneumonia and production parameters in male dairy calves : a randomized clinical trial
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Associations of serostatus upon arrival with clinical respiratory disease, lung consolidation and growth in veal calves
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Effect of on-arrival BRD vaccination on ultrasound confirmed pneumonia and production parameters in male dairy calves : a randomized clinical trial
Changes in serum biomarkers of redox status and inflammation to detect pneumonia and differentiate viral from bacterial respiratory tract infections in calves
Serologic predictors for pneumonia in male dairy veal calves