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Understanding the uptake of diagnostics for sustainable gastrointestinal nematode control by European dairy cattle farmers : a multi-country cross-sectional study
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Practical guide to the diagnostics of ruminant gastrointestinal nematodes, liver fluke and lungworm infection : interpretation and usability of results
Anthelmintic resistance in ruminants : challenges and solutions
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Ascaris lumbricoides eggs or artefacts? A diagnostic conundrum
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Constraints of using historical data for modelling the spatial distribution of helminth parasites in ruminants
Initial assessment of the economic burden of major parasitic helminth infections to the ruminant livestock industry in Europe (vol 182, 105103, 2020)
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Identifying thresholds to classify moderate-to-heavy soil-transmitted helminth intensity infections for FECPAK(G2), McMaster, Mini-FLOTAC and qPCR
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Cattle gastrointestinal nematode egg-spiked faecal samples : high recovery rates using the Mini-FLOTAC technique
Initial assessment of the economic burden of major parasitic helminth infections to the ruminant livestock industry in Europe
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- open access
Increasing importance of anthelmintic resistance in European livestock : creation and meta-analysis of an open database