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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Be true to your school? Teachers’ turnover intentions : The role of socioeconomic composition, teachability perceptions, emotional exhaustion and teacher efficacy
Being pushed out of the career : former teachers' reasons for leaving the profession
Teachers throwing in the towel : the role of the school in teacher wellbeing and turnover
(2021) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
When teachers experience burnout : does a multi-ethnic student population put out or spark teachers’ fire?
'Leaving my teaching job or leaving my school?' The role of SES composition, teachability perceptions, emotional exhaustion and self-efficacy
When teachers experience burnout : can an ethnically diverse student population put out or spark teachers’ fire?
(2018) -
Leerkrachten die de schoolpoort achter zich willen laten : welke rol speelt de leerlingencompositie?
(2018) -
De leerkracht denkt aan stoppen: Wat is de invloed van de leerlingencompositie in de school?
(2017) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
De percepties van Gentse middenveldactoren over Roma en hun integratie : ambigue processen van othering binnen een inclusief kader