prof. dr. Koen Dewettinck
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Influence of calcium concentration on the re-assembly of sodium caseinate into casein micelles and on their renneting behavior
Nederland versus België : het narcisme van de kleine verschillen
Increasing hydrogel complexity from 2D towards 3D towards intestinal tissue engineering
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
To move or not to move? The relationship between career management and preferred career moves
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Empowerment and control dynamics in service contexts: conceptual exploration and empirical validation of the impact on frontline employee affect and performance
(2005) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Employment implications of downsizing strategies and reorientation practices: an empirical exploration
Downsizing employee threat or opportunity?: an empirical study on external and internal reorientation practices in Belgian companies
Tewerkstellingsimplicaties van downsizingstrategieën en heroriëntatiepraktijken: een empirische exploratie
Bedrijfsafslanking en duurzame tewerkstelling: een paradox
An analysis of the characteristics of learning organizations in seven european countries: what can we learn from one another