- 0000-0002-7768-4549
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Asymmetric kidney cysts in a patient with negative family history
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
SOX11 regulates SWI/SNF complex components as member of the adrenergic neuroblastoma core regulatory circuitry
Cellular senescence in neuroblastoma
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
MYCN-induced nucleolar stress drives an early senescence-like transcriptional program in hTERT-immortalized RPE cells
SOX11 as guardian of epigenetic plasticity in neuroblastoma
Recurrent chromosomal imbalances provide selective advantage to human embryonic stem cells under enhanced replicative stress conditions
SOX11 as guardian of epigenetic plasticity in neuroblastoma
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
PHF6 expression levels impact human hematopoietic stem cell differentiation
A novel TLX1-driven T-ALL zebrafish model : comparative genomic analysis with other leukemia models
Zebravis als in-vivo model voor de studie van acute lymfatische leukemie