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To implement or not to implement?: mutual recognition of judgements in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty
Correction mechanisms: a necessity in the current cooperation climate
The medico-legal position of detained mentally disordered suspects and offenders in Europe and the implications for European cooperation
Materiƫle detentiecondities, strafuitvoering en overbrenging van gedetineerden in de EU: een SWOT analyse van het Kaderbesluit Overdracht Vrijheidsbenemende Straffen & Maatregelen
- Book
- open access
Material detention conditions, execution of custodial sentences and prisoner transfer in the EU Member States
(2011) 41. -
- Book
- open access
Cross-border execution of judgements involving deprivation of liberty in the EU: overcoming legal and practical problems through flanking measures
(2011) 40.