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- Journal Article
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Golden opportunities? How marketing expectations drive purchase intentions of golden rice in Bangladesh and the Philippines
Asymmetry price transmission in the deregulated rice markets in Bangladesh : asymmetric error correction model
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Impact of trade liberalization and world prize changes in Bangladesh : a computable general equilibrium analysis
Tracing the impact of market reform on productivity growth of rice at the farm level in Bangladesh
- Book Chapter
- open access
An assessment of the contract farming system in improving market access for smallholder poultry farmers in Bangladesh
Why farm households have differences in corruption experiences? : evidences from Bangladesh
Re-examining green revolution diffusion and factor/input markets in Bangladesh after market liberalization
Bangladesh poultry sector : growth, competitiveness and future potential
Non-cereal food consumption, food insecurity and nutritional status of children and mothers : a case study in Bangladesh
The dynamic relationships between world and domestic prices of rice under the regime of agricultural trade liberalization in Bangladesh