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A JAK3/STAT3 passenger activation in a lapatinib-acquired resistance model of HER2-amplified breast cancer
Comparison of HER2 amplification status among breast cancer subgroups offers new insights in pathways of breast cancer progression
TTF-1 expression in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : an unusual but tricky phenomenon
The correlation between portal myofibroblasts and development of intrahepatic bile ducts and arterial branches in human liver
The vagal nerve stimulates activation of the hepatic progenitor cell compartment via muscarinic acetylcholine receptor type 3
Focal lesions in cirrhotic explant livers: pathological evaluation and accuracy of pretransplantation imaging examinations
Predictive value of liver cell dysplasia for development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with non-cirrhotic and cirrhotic chronic viral hepatitis