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Implementing preoperative Botulinum toxin A and progressive pneumoperitoneum through the use of an algorithm in giant ventral hernia repair
Radiologists as co-authors in case reports : does their involvement make a difference?
Radiologists as co-authors in case reports containing radiological images : does their presence influence quality?
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
C.O.V.E.R. (Clinician’s Opinions, Views, and Expectations concerning the radiology Report) study : a university hospital experience
Report communication standards
Chronische heuppijn door een goedaardige bottumor
Douleur chronique à la hanche causée par une tumeur osseuse bénigne
Une tuméfaction inhabituelle au niveau de l'articulation de la cheville
Eeen ongewone zwelling aan het enkelgewricht
Lésion sous-unguéale au gros orteil