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A lost source for Syriac Christianity in the Umayyad era : the ecclesiastical history of Daniel son of Moses of Tur 'Abdin (8th c.)
The Julian romance : a full text and a new date
- Book Editor
- open access
Intercultural exchange in late antique historiography
Maria Conterno (UGent) and Marianna Mazzola (UGent) -
From high priest to patriarch : history and authority in the ecclesiastical history of Bar 'Ebroyo
Gregory Abū l-Faraj Bar ʿEbrōyō (Bar Hebraeus)
Centralism and local tradition : a reappraisal of the sources on the metropolis of Tagrit and Mor Matay
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Bar ‘Ebroyo's ecclesiastical history : church history writing in the 13th century Middle East
(2018) -
The textual tradition of bar ‘Ebroyo’s chronicle
A "Woven-Texture" narration : on the compilation method of the Syriac Renaissance Chronicles (Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries)
Alcuni poemi di Barhebraeus e Bar Ma'dani nella redazione del ms. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Orientale 298