- 0000-0003-2064-7146
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Webinar imec.digimeter 2023 in opdracht van Mediawijs en VVSG
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Digitale inclusie in Vlaamse lokale besturen: Waarom en hoe realiseren lokale besturen een digitale-inclusiebeleid
(2024) -
imec.digimeter 2022 : digitale trends in Vlaanderen
(2023) -
Als communicatiemedewerker aan de slag met digitale inclusie
(2023) -
Digitale inclusie op lokaal niveau : inzichten uit vijf Europese landen : wetenschappelijke monitoring en onderzoek in het kader van het actieplan ‘Iedereen Digitaal’ : rapport in opdracht van de Vlaamse Overheid
(2023) -
Looking back and moving forward in research on digital divides : how can societies strive for digital inclusion?
Digital exclusion and the welfare state : a systematic mismatch? An in-depth survey-based inquiry into citizens’ opportunities and difficulties with essential internet services
(2023) -
Excluded from essential internet services : examining associations between digital exclusion, socio-economic resources and internet resources
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Extending the third level of digital divide by applying a capability approach : who is unable to reach basic needs through the internet?
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Explaining engagement patterns in independent, proxy, and supported internet use and problem solving drawing from digital divide theory and social-cognitive theory