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Scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy study of the effect of thermal oxide layers on the hydrogen release : experiments and finite element method modelling
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Influence of thermal oxide layers on the hydrogen transport through the surface of SAE 1010 steel
Critical assessment of the evaluation of thermal desorption spectroscopy data for duplex stainless steels : a combined experimental and numerical approach
Effect of the shear layer on the etching behavior of 6060 aluminum extrusion alloys
The effect of strain rate on the interaction between hydrogen and deformation-induced martensite in 304 austenitic stainless steel
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Electrochemical hydrogen charging of duplex stainless steel
First observation by EBSD of martensitic transformations due to hydrogen presence during straining of duplex stainless steel
Study of the hydrogen uptake in deformed steel using the microcapillary cell technique
Deformation induced degradation of hot-dip aluminized steel
Assessment of hydrogen uptake in high strength steel by micro cell technique