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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The impact of local hydrodynamics on high-rate activated sludge flocculation in laboratory and full-scale reactors
Investigation of the distributed settling behaviour of high- rate activated sludge using the multi-class settling model
Combining jar tests and CFD to investigate the role of local hydrodynamics in flocculation of high-rate activated sludge
DSS/FSS testing for high-rate activated sludge : critical protocol considerations and flocculation differences in two full-scale systems
Towards improved carbon recovery in high-rate activated sludge systems : unravelling flocculation behaviour
Integrated artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling for online supervision and control of water resource recovery facilities
Towards a compartmental PBM for improved modelling of flocculation in high-rate activated sludge systems
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Towards improved solid-liquid separation in High Rate Activated Sludge systems by unravelling flocculation behaviour
Concentration-driven models revisited : towards a unified framework to model settling tanks in water resource recovery facilities
On constitutive functions for hindered settling velocity in 1-D settler models : selection of appropriate model structure