Elke Wuyts No current affiliation with UGent 1 – 2 of 2 publications Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list Journal Article A1 open access A comparative human rights analysis of laws and policies for adolescent contraception in Uganda and Kenya Katrina Perehudoff (UGent) , Denis Kibira, Elke Wuyts (UGent) , Carles Pericas Escale (UGent) , Joyce Omwoha, Hendrika A. van den Ham, Aukje K. Mantel-Teeuwisse and Kristien Michielsen (UGent) (2022) REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. 19(1). Add to list Miscellaneous Eindrapport onderzoek naar relaties, stress en agressie in de eerste 12 maanden van COVID-19 in BelgiĆ« Ines Keygnaert (UGent) , Elke Wuyts (UGent) , Elizaveta Fomenko (UGent) , Anne Nobels (UGent) , Lotte De Schrijver (UGent) and Christophe Vandeviver (UGent) (2021)