dr. Lennert Goossens
- 0000-0003-2107-9953
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An injury prevention programme in Physical Education Teacher Education students : process evaluation using the RE‐AIM Sports Setting Matrix
Risk of acute and overuse injuries in youth elite soccer players : body size and growth matter
The long‐term effect and adherence of a low fermentable oligosaccharides disaccharides monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Age and maturity related differences in motor coordination among male elite youth soccer players
Injury prevention in physical education teacher education students : lessons from sports : a systematic review
Incidence and risk factors of injuries and their impact on academic success : a prospective study in PETE students
Development and optimization of an injury prevention intervention for physical education teachers
Primaire preventie van sport- en werkgerelateerde musculoskeletale letsels bij leerkrachten lichamelijke opvoeding : haalbaarheid, effectiviteit en transfereerbaarheid naar de adolescenten
Effects of a multifactorial injury prevention intervention in physical education teachers : a randomized controlled trial
Musculoskeletal injuries in physical education versus non-physical education teachers: a prospective study