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- Journal Article
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Exploring the effectiveness of clinical simulations to develop student teachers’ parent-teacher communication competence
Measuring student teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about family-teacher communication : scale construction and validation
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Conceptualising, measuring and developing parent-teacher communication competences : clinical simulations in teacher education
(2019) -
Measuring student teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about parent-teacher communication : scale construction and validation
Measuring student teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about parent-teacher conference communication : scale construction and validation
Conceptualiseren, ontwikkelen en meten van competenties in de initiële lerarenopleiding : vernieuwende praktijkvoorbeelden
Preparing student teachers to communicate with parents: the impact of clinical simulations
Preparing student teachers to communicate with parents: the impact of clinical simulations
(2018) -
Preparing pre-school teachers for family school partnerships : international perspectives
(2018) -
Preparing student teachers to communicate with parents : the impact of clinical simulations