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- Journal Article
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- open access
An alternating-direction hybrid implicit-explicit finite-difference time-domain method for the Schrodinger equation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Nonuniform and higher-order FDTD methods for the Schrödinger equation
Systematic cell-by-cell FDTD subgridding in 3-D
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Provably stable local application of crank-Nicolson time integration to the FDTD method with nonuniform gridding and subgridding
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Provably stable local application of crank-Nicolson time integration to the FDTD method with nonuniform gridding and subgridding
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Nieuwe eindigedifferentietechnieken voor het modelleren van elektromagnetische multischaalproblemen in het tijdsdomein
(2018) -
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
A Leapfrog alternating-direction hybrid implicit-explicit FDTD method
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
A Leapfrog alternating-direction hybrid implicit-explicit FDTD method for local grid refinement
(2017) p.131-132 -
A collocated 3-D HIE-FDTD scheme with PML
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An in-depth stability analysis of nonuniform FDTD combined with novel local implicitization techniques