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Best research practices for using the Implicit Association Test
- Book Chapter
- open access
Key episodes in the history of testing in Central Western Europe
- Journal Article
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Methodological and conceptual issues in studying effort-reward fit
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Introduction : from microscopic to macroscopic perspectives and back : the study of leadership and health/well-being
- Journal Article
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The emergence of resilience : recovery trajectories in sleep functioning after a major stressor
- Journal Article
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What are agile, flexible, or adaptable employees and students? A typology of dynamic individual differences in applied settings
- Journal Article
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Work event experiences : implications of an expanded taxonomy for understanding daily well-being
- Journal Article
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- open access
Cognitive control strategies and adaptive performance in a complex work task
- Journal Article
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The science and practice of item response theory in organizations
- Journal Article
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- open access
Connect vs conquer? CEO gender and implicit motives