dr. Karolien Keppens
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Teaching for Global Citizenship in European Classrooms: an International Dimension in Teacher Education Curricula via a Blended Intensive Programme
(2024) -
Knowledge, self-efficacy and professional vision : how do they predict pre-service teachers’ peer feedback quality?
Een video-annotatietool die duurzame feedbackpraktijken voor student-leraren faciliteert : de ontwikkeling van VITALE TEACH
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Mentor teachers’ professional vision : a study of the differences with classroom teachers and student teachers
Continue professionalisering van leraren als aanpak voor het lerarentekort : inzichten vanuit de onderzoeksgroep LOPO
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Exploring the effectiveness of clinical simulations to develop student teachers’ parent-teacher communication competence
The professional vision of mentor teachers regarding teacher-student interactions and differentiated instruction : a video-based comparative judgement study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Teacher beliefs, self-efficacy and professional vision : disentangling their relationship in the context of inclusive teaching
Exploring student teachers' professional vision of inclusive classrooms in primary education
Competenties met betrekking tot inclusief lesgeven in kaart brengen bij student-leraren via videografie