- 0000-0003-4282-270X
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Do teachers’ educational beliefs affect the relationship between departmental leadership and interpersonal PLC characteristics?
Het potentieel van vakgroepen secundair onderwijs als professionele leergemeenschappen (PLG’s)
Continue professionalisering van leraren als aanpak voor het lerarentekort : inzichten vanuit de onderzoeksgroep LOPO
Duaal leren in de verkorte educatieve masteropleidingen : vakgroepen als professionele leergemeenschappen (PLG's)
(2023) -
Teachers' professional development : the potential of teacher collaboration in Flemish (Belgian) schools
The potential of departments as professional learning communities (PLCs) in secondary education : understanding processes and stimulating factors
(2021) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Measuring and exploring the structure of teachers’ educational beliefs
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Departmental PLCs in secondary schools : the importance of transformational leadership, teacher autonomy, and teachers’ self-efficacy
The importance of teacher and school factors for teacher collaboration in departmental professional learning communities
Measuring and exploring French teachers' subject-specific beliefs