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Power-in-action and ‘the making of transitions’ as a political process : a transactional approach
Investigating transitions in the making : the challenge of linking empirical observations here and now to long-term and open-ended processes of fundamental societal change
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Agency in action : towards a transactional approach for analyzing agency in sustainability transitions
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Agency in action : towards a transactional approach for analyzing agency in sustainability transitions
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Les controverses climatique en Belgique : une analyse de discours
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Duurzaamheidscontroverses in België : een discoursanalyse
(2021) -
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
INEOS en de politiek van de industriële transitie
Climate controversies : why and how to map conflicting discourses?
De terugkeer van rechtvaardigheid
(2020) DE STANDAARD. -
De nieuwe plasticfabriek is best een discussie waard