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Two-phase formation upon laser ablation of biological matrices and the effects on LA-ICP-MS elemental mapping
High resolution elemental mapping at 1000 pixels/s via LA-ICP-MS
Evaluating the analytical performance of a nanosecond 193 nm ArF* excimer-based kHz laser for elemental mapping via LA-ICP-MS
Coping with two-phase sample transport in LA-ICP-MS elemental mapping of biological tissue
Towards 1,000 pixels/s acquisition rate for elemental mapping via LA-ICP-MS
Dual-phase formation during LA-ICP-MS analysis of biological tissue
Quantitative element mapping in biomatrices using LA-ICP-MS
The occurrence and drawbacks of two-phase aerosol transport upon ablation of soft biological matrices using nanosecond laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
Effects of hyperthermia on cisplatin tissue penetration and gene expression in peritoneal metastases : results from a randomized trial in ovarian cancer
A new insight of the MIS 3 Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in western Europe from the study of a Belgium isotopically equilibrated speleothem