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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Modelling the spatial distribution of Culicoides imicola : climatic versus remote sensing data
Predicting spatio-temporal Culicoides imicola distributions in Spain based on environmental habitat characteristics and species dispersal
Seasonality in the angular dependence of ASAR Wide Swath backscatter
On the relation between soil moisture dynamics and the geographical distribution of Culicoides imicola
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Integrating vegetation phenology in soil moisture change detection from ASAR wide swath images
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Remotely sensed soil moisture proxies with application to modelling the spatial distribution of Culicoides imicola
(2013) -
Influence of topographic normalization on the vegetation index-surface temperature relationship
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Accounting for seasonality in a soil moisture change detection algorithm for ASAR Wide Swath time series
The potential of multitemporal Aqua and Terra MODIS apparent thermal inertia as a soil moisture indicator
Absence reduction in entomological surveillance data to improve niche-based distribution models for Culicoides imicola