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STREAM (Spatiotemporal research infrastructure for early modern Brabant and Flanders) : sources, data and methods
User-centered design of a collaborative, object oriented historical GI-platform
STREAM : een tijdruimtelijke onderzoeksinfrastructuur voor vroegmodern Vlaanderen en Brabant : de vectorisatie van de Kabinetskaart van Ferraris
Making maps with HISSTAT, the database of local statistics in Belgium since 1800: a project in progress
Ancient lines in the landscape : the use of GIS and aerial photography for the study of ancient roads and field systems in Flanders region
Strategic planning for new woodlands in the urban periphery: through the lens of social inclusiveness
Stedelijk milieu
Photo-interprétation et cartographie des systèmes spatiaux anciens: l'archéologie des routes et parcellaires en Belgique.
Une organisation cadastrale dans la partie méridionale de la Civitas Menapiorum (Gallia Belgica).
Analysis of the Roman road system around Cassel and application of a GIS-model in Sandy Flanders.