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Seeing the (smaller and) bigger frame : framing Egyptian writers and documents through bilingual and biscriptal choices (4th – 8th c. AD)
Greek formulae in Coptic legal documents (7th-8th c.) : graphemic and linguistic adaptation vs. alternation
Newly-Edited Ostraca Upsaliensia from the Archive of Petemenophis and Sons
Viewing papyri through contact lenses : a socio-semiotic approach to bilingual and biscriptal papyri (IV-VIII CE)
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Greek-Coptic script-mixing in Egyptian personal names and toponyms of Greek documents
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The interrelationship between scriptal and linguistic variation in notary signatures of Greek contracts from late antique Egypt