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Dissemination of cartographic knowledge : 6th international symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, 2016
A study of the local geometric accuracy of Count de Ferraris’s Carte de cabinet (1770s) using differential distortion analysis
Studying the production process of the Ferraris Maps (1770s) and its implications for geometric accuracy
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Deconstructing the Ferraris maps (1770-1778) : a study of the map production process and its implications for geometric accuracy
(2016) -
Computation and visualisation of the accuracy of old maps using differential distortion analysis
The mapmakers' world: a cultural history of the European world map. By Marjo T Nurminen
Count de Ferraris's maps of the Austrian Netherlands (1770s) : Cassini de Thury's geodetic contribution
History of military cartography: 5th international symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, 2014
(2016) -
Een stukje Frankrijk
Habsburgse kaarten met Franse wetenschappelijke flair : de circulatie van karteerprincipes in de achttiende eeuw geïllustreerd aan de hand van de Ferrariskaarten