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Effect of early-age gonadectomy on behavior in adopted shelter kittens : the sequel
Effect of spay or castration on long-term health of dogs and cats
Prepubertal gonadectomy in cats: different injectable anaesthetic combinations and comparison with gonadectomy at traditional age
Relationship between age at gonadectomy and health problems in kittens adopted from shelters
Pharmacokinetics of oral transmucosal and intramuscular dexmedetomidine combined with buprenorphine in cats
Surgical techniques in prepubertal ovariectomy in kittens
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Wat na het project Sterycat?: de mening van deelnemende asielmedewerkers en dierenartsen over vroegcastratie bij katten
Development of behavior in adopted shelter kittens after gonadectomy performed at an early age or at a traditional age
Prepubertal gonadectomy in cats : different surgical techniques and comparison with gonadectomy at traditional age
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Prepubertal gonadectomy in shelter cats : anaesthesia, surgery and effect of age at time of gonadectomy on health and behaviour